Bamboo Sushi Mat and Paddle

NATURE’S MVP (most versatile plant . . . very possibly) . . . Bamboo is a natural grass that is constantly replenishing – therefore it is known to be a sustainable resource. Bamboo is less absorbent than wood and is therefore easier to keep clean and sanitary. Bamboo is attractive and lightweight and can be left untreated in its most authentic state or it can be treated to lend itself to certain purposes. It is also used for many things from construction of furniture and houses to snacking on and powering diesel engines with – it is one of the most versatile resources in the world (just don’t try to eat the utensils!)

Roll like a pro – the 97025 sushi mat and paddle is a great value in an authentic sushi set. The mat – traditionally crafted; bamboo slats are strung snugly together for controlled and tight rolling; slats are smooth and stick-resistant. Mat dimensions: 8 3/8” wide by 9 3/8” long. The Paddle – this is designed like the 97022 paddle but slightly smaller in size – 7.75” overall length, 3.75” handle length.